innocence, joy, melancholy, angst, anxiety and even some outright anger feat. my weird, overwhelmed brain
A false sense of security is worse than no security at all
like the prodigal child, i went back to linux today. i already feel my soul healing a bit
Why wouldn’t people feel insane? Why wouldn’t the internet, where we’re mostly forced to live, drive most people crazy? How are we not discussing the fact that so much of the internet is riddled with poison? How are we not treating the current state of the tech industry like an industrial chemical accident? Is it because there are too many people at fault? Is it because fixing it would require us to truly interrogate the fabric of a capitalist death cult?
what a wonderful day with delicious food and so much love 🥰✨
interesting advice: I figured out what's missing from the advice on morning routines
lately all i've been reading is code 😮💨😩
npm install --loglevel silly
is so well expressed
i survived THE super busy week!
busy weeks are coming!
finally... finally I can take a nap ☁️
it's so windy, and i'm feeling kind of drained
i revamped my blog (here goes the Eleventy experiment):
where did 2024 go 🥹✨
seems I need to be careful with my allergy meds 🥲
found a nice Firefox fork: LibreWolf!
“Technology come and go, but it has a lot in common. Set priorities right. Invest 80% of your learning time in fundamentals. Leave 20% for frameworks, libraries and tools.”
apparently my nails have a nice shape 🤔
CSS Wrapped 2024:
Reading goal probably won't be accomplished this year, but life is going well! (unlike last year 😅)
You have read 8 of 12 books.
I've been thinking about my bed all day 😂
People are dying, but our politicians are too busy trying to humiliate each other... this is shameful
woah it's so cold 🌧️🌧️🌧️
biology enables, culture forbids
This tea recipe is a great discovery: Easy Homemade Japanese Royal Milk Tea Recipe
September flew by 😵💫
I have so many ideas for updating/revamping this website and so many projects in mind... and so little time I don't know where to start lol
97 tabs open and counting - CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP
it's good to be back home
I just cleaned an old silver necklace (I've had it since high school or so) and wow, now it looks almost as good as new! Didn't think the baking soda thing would work that well
Back to the grind 🫥
Trying Eleventy for the first time 🤔
If rest becomes a form of recovery from work, as is the case today, it loses its specific ontological value. It no longer represents an independent, higher form of existence and degenerates into a derivative of work. Today's compulsion of production perpetuates work and thus eliminates that sacred silence. Life becomes entirely profane, desecrated.
—Han Byung-Chul, The Disappearance of Rituals
happy birthday🕯️
is this becoming the rainy season or what
wish I was on vacation 🫠
liters and liters of body mist
today would be a perfect day for staying in bed ⛈
becoming a gymbro - back from hiatus edition
so many projects, so little time
tired and longing. but can't complain...
I burn forever, I have no end
need to find a nice Firefox fork or something 🤔
an unexpectedly cold day
status: exhausted beyond my means
weekend was too short 🥹
weekend is coming! ♡
setting opera as default browser 🤞
the official end of an era... and a new start
went for a walk and caught three shinies in Pokémon Go! ✨ what are the odds??!
Monday, almost Friday 🥲
still feeling under the weather... and so my mom spent hours making soup, even tho she hates cooking, just to make me feel better 🥹
it was delicious
god bless her pure soul
not this again! 🤒🤧
i want it to be tomorrow already 😳
(never thought I would write those words in that order)
runny nose 😒
why do i have not one, not two, but three Teams versions?? is this a joke or
my thoughts are elsewhere 😌
my shoulders are cracking beyond their means
the last coffee 😔😔😔😔😔 is an excellent example of how to do things RIGHT
the sheer number of websites that do not even ask you to confirm your e-mail address... appalling
you don't move slow, i'm taking steps in my direction
looooooooord give me the strength to SHUT UP but now it's for different reasons
looooooooord give me the strength to SHUT UP
GOD today is the mondayest Monday ever
Passing stranger! you do not know how longingly I look upon you,
You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (it comes to me, as of a dream,)
I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you,
All is recall’d as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured,
You grew up with me, were a boy with me, or a girl with me,
I ate with you, and slept with you—your body has become not yours only, nor left my body mine only,
You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh, as we pass—you take of my beard, breast, hands, in return,
I am not to speak to you—I am to think of you when I sit alone, or wake at night alone,
I am to wait—I do not doubt I am to meet you again,
I am to see to it that I do not lose you.
— Walt Whitman
my 300 emotional support Firefox tabs™
oooo the me from yesterday bought a muffin for the me from today! thank you, silvia
ah, the slow burn trope. isn't it interesting
Tonight, the moon's drawn its curtains
It's a private show, no one else gonna know
I'm wanting
well mark manson is at it again:
Three critical life skills that nobody teaches you: how to ask for honest feedback, how to take honest feedback, and how to give honest feedback.
now i need to FAKE IT TILL I MAKE IT more than ever!
burn the page, my little dark age
can't wait for my panic holidays™
...i'll see myself out
sometimes i just need to hibernate for a bit
stupid sexy orange robe
much love to you all today 🫶
*goes back to... being tired or whatever she's focusing on today*
number of times I've played dumb today: 2 (and the day isn't over!)
The grief is hard, yes. But I just realized, I am the lucky one. I am a blank canvas. I am free to do as I please.
yep they did
will my gym clothes dry overnight? 🤔
so much laughter today 🫶
silvia, your local muse of nonsense
what a good day today
(the day has come: finally, work is making me lose my mind)
finally becoming a gymbro. wish me luck
let's walk across this forest, i can feel everything being real again
people on tumblr be like "I'm not a native speaker, this might not be perfect, my apologies in advance, blah blah etc etc" and then proceed to post a perfect text full of nuance and feeling and asdfghdsafhgsaf what I am even doing with my life??? It's so impressive I cannot even be jealous. I am in AWE
so pinterest, huh?
currently: imploding
having a room of one's own: *chef's kiss*
today i moved some Very Important Pieces of furniture. my life is going to be so much better now
...very hard, very often HAHA *laughs in NSFW*
Today this week this year my patience is certainly being tested very hard, very often 🙂
from now on i'm the artist human being formerly known as Shirubia
I read things! And I've written about it! Unvelievable. Well done, me: Estado de mis lecturas de 2023 (part 2)
let's try again i guess
Today my patience is running thin.
in these trying times, i must remember the multiple dogs that have blessed me
sick af again. but yesterday a corgi looked at me
18° is all i get
listening to the same song for, like, 15 hours straight: completely normal.
I can't believe people did use to tell me I should smile more. Like, the misogyny was there right in my face
whatever you do, stay soft
i'm doing the same as her
i'm transforming it all to anger and letting go of the softness and it's dangerous
i'm a time traveler
today I unexpectedly crossed paths with a pomeranian, and she greeted me! 😯 #blessed
enough with feeling like Creep. why not feel more like Talk Show Host
Entering my "do you want a hug" era
Competence is how good you are when there is something to gain. Character is how good you are when there is nothing to gain.
People will reward you for competence. But people will only love you for your character.
―Mark Manson
Cleaned up more than a hundred tabs today! 🧹 is a life saver
is PMS a b*tch? i think so
it's funny how I get automated spam calls offering me to test hearing aids for free, and it's this robot voice with terrible audio quality
Today had been a nice day with plenty to do. Then at dusk I started to remember bad things bc why not, and now my anxiety is through the roof. This poor body of mine... Feeling scared for no real reason
the other day a friend from work said "every time i see something about Animal Crossing i think of silvia", and it warmed up my old little heart
I feel like i make the same mistakes over and over again. how do i make it stop.
I want to live both in:
an apartment in a stately building with high ceilings and a long history. Also: proper laundry space & bathrooms with windows
a brand new flat with a modern air conditioning system, that will be energy efficient & built with soundproof materials (finally peace & quiet!!)
how can I do this yahoo answers
isn't Duran Duran's bass player great???
This article blew my mind: Human financial product
I want to thank you for all the nothings, baby,
'cause nothing gained ain't lost at all
if i read "excellent opportunity for investors" one more time i'm going to have a stroke
There are many wrongs, but remember, those wrongs are just illnesses, not sins; errors, mistakes, but not sins. You are not guilty. You may be ignorant; you may not know as much as is needed to live a pure and innocent life, but that means you are ignorant, innocent – not guilty. Try to understand the distinction very well, because on it depends much.
i thought i wouldn't get lonely, but here we are
183 open tabs in Firefox! i think i just broke my personal record
feeling trapped
everything is different, but oddly familiar
maybe I will get closure after all
for me, coding is like retreating to a comfort zone
a coping strategy
a defense mechanism
a dr-you get the point
trust no1
well this is inspirational
I put together this doodles gallery super quickly, lest I get lazy and postpone it forever:
Hope to get back into drawing 🤔🤔🤔
I'm watching Sherlock again and I don't know how to put it, but it's like, I can't unsee all the fanfiction vibes now aaaa 🙈
so my mind is a tunnel:
This score suggests that you are more Monotropic than about 60% of autistic people and about 97% of allistic people based on data from the initial validation study.
why am I like this? (extended version) — silvia feat. her sad, overwhelmed brain
attention: WINAMP SKINS!
a lot
boy, do I need strength today
happy bithday to him, the one indelibly etched in my soul.
gotta tidy up 🧹 my new domain 😳
could I be... improving at coding?... surely that's not possible ellipsis ellipsis 🤔
"how come your family has made several poor life choices????" yeah well not everyone has had enough resources + higher education to have better options at their disposal. it's devastating how some people cannot even... dunno, imagine for a second the life experiences of a less privileged person. like come on. get your head out of your ass
Oooo that must be what the youngsters now call "goblin mode"
almost new moon 🌑
If left to my own devices I would probably be by myself, immersed in my interests or living inside my head, like 90% of the time.
Technically it's not summer yet, but I'm sweating already 🥵🌞
current status: liminal 🌫
Reading challenge, the only thing going well right now:
You've read 10 of 12 books. (83%)
maybe on earth. maybe in the future
Just found out that, in The Storygraph, you can mark a book as "did not finish", and you can even add an explanation on why and how far you got (in pages or in percentage). What a great app ❤︎
Took a while, but I finally repaired the pop OS bootloader. I've missed linux 🥲
found a song I can play on repeat and won't get tired until a week or so
day: fixed
I've already endured two weeks of fantastic firecracker festivities
Well, today is the day 😑🍇🎗✨
I want to buy a house in some far away town. Forget about everything and everyone
Finally I can resume watching The X-Files 🛸 Just started the 4th season, I've still got so much to see! 🥰
Amazing pixel artist:
I want to code websites again
today, being me is: deeply uncomfortable
Lately I've found myself missing Internet forums, of all things. You can have conversations with people on social media, but you don't get the same sense of community you had in old school forums.
vscode, long time no see
The moon looks so mysteriously orange tonight 🎑
Definitely, fresh bedsheets are one of life's greatest pleasures
got tired of social media so I'm going back to the basics... this is nice 🤔
hosted on, "an attempt at a quieter, slower, more personal internet. a little space on the web, just for you". theme by evy and tinkered by me. check out the thoughts webring!
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